Promote Equality!
Promote Equality Clique is a clique I created on October 19th, 2002. A group of people in the city where I live were trying to overturn an equal rights amendmant that protects sexual orientation and gender identity. The clique is for equal rights for everyone, with the emphasis on sexual orientation and gender identity. I know this is not the first equal rights clique, and it will most certainly not be the last, but it's something important to each and every one of us.
I am not gay, but I have friends that are gay, and I have friends who have been driscriminated against. Discrtimintation is WRONG! Religious, racial, gender-based, it doesn't matter. Take a stand against it.
I'm working on spiffier link buttons right now, and this clique may later expand into other exciting thingys, so do be sure to check back with me!!
This clique is run by Hannahpikachu who also runs Hannahpikachu's Fortress of Doom!!
I got some cool animated banners from Animation Online.
This site would not be possible without Lissa Explains, a really cool html help site.